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VIDEO | Who Killed The Lamborghini Huracan?

The Lamborghini Huracan will cease production in 2024. But who killed it? Why did it have to die? Rory goes for a drive to investigate

Mark Nichol

Words by: Mark Nichol

Published on 18 April 2024 | 0 min read

For the last decade or so, the Huracan has been hugely successful for Lamborghini, constantly evolving and ultimately cementing a place as one of the greatest supercars of all time. More than 15,000 have been sold (meaning it’s eclipsed its predecessor, the Gallardo), and in fact, its most successful full year was 2023, its last.
So, why is Lamborghini killing it off? Well, there are a few reasons, not least the fact that after ten years in production it’s just run its course, but in our video Rory goes deeper. Starting with the Gallardo, Rory looks at the history of the Huracan and what made it so great in the first place. Its pace, handling, quality and diversity. Then we get behind the wheel of three modern Huracans: the Evo Spyder, the track-focussed STO, and the off-road-inspired Sterrato. That’s right, Lamborghini Huracan off-roader. What a time to be alive. It’s a fitting triple test for the end of a sensational car. Check out the video by hitting play above, and if you’re not already a subscriber to our awesome YouTube channel, do that as well. No regrets.