Ex Demo - set of 3 QA5 units with 7blade cylinder/reels, full width 2" solid grooved front roller, 2" smooth rear roller, rear roller power brushes, set up with 2750 yokes and grass box mounts.
Auto Trader farm
Skip to contentSkip to footerWith 3 used John Deere Qa5 7blade Units 2750 machines available on Auto Trader, we have a fantastic range of farm equipment for sale across the UK.
Ex Demo - set of 3 QA5 units with 7blade cylinder/reels, full width 2" solid grooved front roller, 2" smooth rear roller, rear roller power brushes, set up with 2750 yokes and grass box mounts.
Ex Demo - set of 3 QA5 units with 7blade cylinder/reels, 2" solid grooved front roller with solid endcaps, 2" smooth rear roller, rear roller power brushes, set up with 2750 yokes and grass box mounts.
Ex Demo - QA5 units with 7 blade cylinder/reels, full width grooved front rollers, rear roller power brushes, 2750 attaching yokes.