A laptop showing Retail Check

Retail Check

Buy right, price right, sell quicker.

Make better retail decisions faster with Retail Check. Providing Auto Trader's unique insight into vehicles on your forecourt and ones you are looking to buy.

A screenshot of the retail check product

Retail Rating explained

Our Retail Rating is a unique measure of how fast a car or van is likely to sell in your location if the vehicle is priced at the market value.

Retail Rating considers a number of factors, including Average Days to Sell and Supply and Demand, to score the vehicle between 1-100. Helping you to make more data driven decisions when buying stock, so you can make more profit.

A man looking at a laptop showing a vehicle stock list

Competitor view explained

Get an instant view of your competition by seeing how your vehicle stacks up against similar stock.

Competitor view also shares a number of key insights including price position, days in stock and advert quality. Allowing you to adjust your advert based on where you want your vehicle to sit in the market.

A screenshot of Retail Back calculator

Retail Back explained

Thinking Retail Back is the process of starting with the Retail Valuation of a vehicle and taking away expected costs and your target gross margin to reach the maximum price you should pay for a car.

With the Retail Back calculator built into Retail Check you can keep margins under control and maximise every retail opportunity.

Beyond the ad

Sean from South West Automotive discusses how he utilises Retail Check to gain a deeper insight into his market and monitor shifts in supply and demand to optimise his profit opportunities.

Insight Masterclasses

High quality adverts, packed with our best practice advice combined with the right visibility is the winning formula to great performance on Auto Trader. Master this best practice and there’ll be no stopping you.

1 Auto Trader observe over 1.3 million cars and vans, 116,000 vehicle updates, 39,000 vehicles added or removed and 20,500 price changes daily. This includes vehicles listed on Auto Trader, over 3,000 retailer websites, retailer forecourts, OEM, fleet and leasing websites, and major auction houses across the UK.