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Expert Review

Mzuri Pro-Til 3T/4T drill review

British made Conservation Tillage seed drill for soil health, establishing crops and saving costs...

Auto Trader

Words by: Auto Trader

Published on 15 April 2020 | 0 min read

The Auto Trader expert verdict:


Farmers have the challenge of building soil health, whilst trying to make a profit. One option to improve soil health is to move it less and place fertiliser and seed in their optimum environment. Strip tillage is the principle of only cultivating a narrow strip for the seed to be placed in. This reduces the need for ag chem, while retaining straw and organic matter on top to improve nutrient and moisture retention. The Mzuri Pro-Til seed drill offers the ability to cultivate a strip or slot where users have the option to place fertiliser and consolidate the row before the following seeding unit. Each row unit places seeds in an optimum environment with maximum soil contact making best use of every seed placed in the ground while retaining the important biology between the rows which is uncultivated. By leaving organic matter on the surface the inter row eco systems is provided with cover and a source of food to help support the growing crop throughout the year.

Reasons to buy:

  • tickA seed drill and cultivator combined to support healthy soils as part of an overall plan for more
  • tickPotentially save multiple passes across the field helping to reduce compaction and fuel use.
  • tickPositive customer feedback relating to improved soil health, reduced costs and improved yields

At a glance:

Overall verdict

A strong contender for reducing passes through the field to establish crops in a strip tillage system leading to reduced fuel consumption and a more sustainable farming approach. Mzuri are focused on the seed drill being part of a whole process and take time to explain the benefits to the complete soil ecosystem when choosing their concept. With more and more unpredictable weather events happening in the UK this drill offers flexibility in wet years and helps to retain moisture during drought times. By having the option to place fertiliser in the row you have the possibility to boost germination and get your crops off to the best start while saving fuel and time and potentially overall fertiliser use.
Expert rating: 5/5


Farmers have the challenge of building soil health, whilst trying to make a profit. One option to improve soil health is to move it less and place fertiliser and seed in their optimum environment. Strip tillage is the principle of only cultivating a narrow strip for the seed to be placed in. This reduces the need for ag chem, while retaining straw and organic matter on top to improve nutrient and moisture retention. The Mzuri Pro-Til seed drill offers the ability to cultivate a strip or slot where users have the option to place fertiliser and consolidate the row before the following seeding unit. Each row unit places seeds in an optimum environment with maximum soil contact making best use of every seed placed in the ground while retaining the important biology between the rows which is uncultivated. By leaving organic matter on the surface the inter row eco systems is provided with cover and a source of food to help support the growing crop throughout the year.
Expert rating: 5/5

The Pro-Til system works in three zones...

Zone 1: Cultivation - Optional front discs can be installed to cut through organic matter on the surface ahead of the leading tine. This auto reset tine is the first part of cultivating a strip to be planted and with replaceable point and wings the seeding zone is created. Making better use of fertiliser for a growing crop can be boosted by placing a band under the seed using this leading tine. Zone 2: Reconsolidation - One of the Mzuri Pro-Till’s key features is the consolidation before the seeding unit which is critical for strong root development. Carrying the machine weight on the staggered wheels helps remove any air pockets and provide a consistent soil profile for the following seed. Zone 3: Seeding - The Pro-Till can plant at a variety of row widths but each of these coulters is totally independent to the cultivation zone and wheels in front. Seed depth wheels are pressurised onto the ground and provide the depth control for planting into the row or strip. This helps ensure maximum seed to soil contact which with the retention of moisture achieves very even emergence and the hydraulically operated following harrow ensures all seeds are covered after planting.
Expert rating: 5/5


Mzuri offer a solution that is designed for soil health. while at the same time reducing establishment costs and building yields. They claim a potential saving of up to £100/ha when compared to plough based systems whilst increasing yields through improved soil health. The trailed Pro-Til 3T and 4T both feature a 2800L seed hopper with an option to add on a second 3400L dual hopper for fertiliser. A variable speed electric motor and gearbox drives a specific seed roller ensuring accurate delivery of metered seed to the row units helping to achieve an accurate seed rate at the desired planting depth. Setting up the metering unit and calibrating is very easy and operator friendly. Once calibration is completed, simply enter the value into the in-cab monitor then takes care of seed rate adjustment as speed increases and decreases as well as all other typical seed drill functions. Power requirement is around 60hp per meter for the 3T and 4T models depending on conditions but it is clear to see where the power and cost savings come from.
Expert rating: 5/5

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